
Ergo scribo.
Therefore, I Write.
Scripsi. Ergo, est pulchra.
I have written. Therefore, it is beautiful.1

Ergo is easy. It is light. It is fast. It is ∴ effortless. This site is built with it, with minimal fuss, but amazing control. Check out the Docs, Themes or Plugins.

Installation and Getting Started

You’ll need node.js to be installed first. If you don’t have node installed, then head over to nodejs and download an LTS version. Ergo supports version 4.x and 6.x and is regularly tested on them.

Try playing with the skeleton file:

npm install ergo-cli -g
ergo init Blog
cd Blog
ergo view -b -w

Don’t like the theme? Try Smart Bootstrap’s ‘Clean Blog’ (or view more here):

ergo theme install clean-blog
ergo view -c -b -w

Switch back the original theme?

ergo theme switch ergo-simple
ergo view -c -b -w

Don’t want to install globally? No problem:

git clone Blog
cd Blog
npm install
npm run ergo -- view -b -w

Just use npm run ergo -- ... in place of running ergo ... for all commands!

1 ∴ is the mathematical symbol for ‘therefore’