Replacing YAML and JSON with Something

From day 1, I had always used a json-ish implementation of a header at the top of the page, while the rest of the world went with YAML. I find myself struggling with the usability of both however, particularly with the issues that both can bring to the table. A new paradigm is needed and this post outlines a suggested solution to the craziness that has befallen the world, but perhaps you didn’t know it (nor care).

The illogical JSON and Javascript objects

In a fair world, JSON would never have been created.

It sounds strange to read it, but it’s true. JSON was developed as a way of normalising what everyone in Javascript was doing anyway:

var someObject = {
	title: "My first post!",
	date: new Date(), // I have a comment here
	uri: "first-post.html",

Unfortunately, in the lacklustre definition of JSON, the above block fails for two reasons:

  1. It has a comment. Believe it or not, JSON decided to omit comments. You can understand the reasoning, when the people who decided on the spec decided that they wanted to be able to do away with whitespace, presumably so that it can be transmitted more succinctly across networks: {title:"My first post!",date:new Date(),uri:"first-post.html"}
  2. It has a trailing comma. Enough said.

This means that JSON is not human friendly and never will be human friendly. Why? It was decided to be machine readable and that’s it. There’s a project to try and alleviate the nonsense and it’s called HJSON, but it still suffers from similar problems, namely that it’s based around a Javascript Object Notation (without actually being valid JSON).

The illogical YAML and JSON

YAML had always said that it was a superset of JSON. They lied. It took many revisions of YAML to actually be able to properly work with any and all JSON notation.

Do you know what else is a superset of JSON? Javascript.

That’s right. Javascript is a superset of JSON. So to me, the whole ‘YAML is a superset of JSON‘ experience is trite, to say the least.

Then there’s also the fact that everyone who’s ever dealt with YAML knows they’re writing YAML. It’s supposed to be a friendly, human consumable markup. But if you’ve ever had to resort to a google search in order to find out why your YAML broke because of a few misplaced spaces proves another thing: YAML is a machine readable format first, human readable second, despite the rhetoric.

To me, this means there are too many issues for YAML to be useful to anyone. Then there’s this last nail in the coffin:

YAML was born of ruby.

When I discovered that, I became a staunch anti-zealot of YAML. That meant Jekyll and co. were forever and ever, never going to get my support. I have spent way too many hours wading through a ruby install to find that it breaks for one of a gajillion reasons that I was never interested in. If it works for you, great, but I’ve been burnt many times over the years. I now just avoid ruby like the plague that that I have always found it to be.1

INI files

It comes to mind that no one ever has really worried about an ‘ini file’ format. It’s the one that’s been quietly used for decades. You have come across it in php.ini, or .gitconfig, or any .ini file on a windblows box.

To me this is the ideal ‘human readable’ format, because you can figure it out easily. Actually, it’s so easy you don’t even notice that there’s anything to ‘figure out’. It just makes sense. There are no quotes, spaces, or anything to really worry about. Each line is a setting. Settings can be grouped into sections, using [section name]. The spaces around a ‘ = ‘ are there for visual purposes because they get trimmed out.

Use of INI files is generally fast. Also, the Win32 api is pretty easy to use, so that you can have a massive .ini file and performance will be acceptable — even if you grabbed just one value at a time from the file.

If only the ruby guys had’ve gone that way then I may not have given ruby up as a lost cause. (No more ruby bashing, I swear!)

The need for multiline text

All of the above formats are basically limited to one line of text per setting (although you can jump through hoops to get it to work). I feel that this is an important oversight when you consider a normal ‘home page’ requirement, or for something that requires a little more than just a hierarchical list of key/value pairs.

Unlike a standard ‘blog post’ page, the ‘home page’ generally has a lot of discrete sections that are specific to the page, but all of which can contain their own content. Most cms systems (including my own), have reverted to the logical choice of using partials (which have also been called snippets, fragements or blocks). Unfortunately, this breaks up the experience of ‘editing the home page’ because it involves a sequence of:

  • Find the right block.
  • Edit the block.
  • Save the block.
  • Move onto the next block.

This is just inefficient and non creative. Ironically, the best in this sphere is WordPress which allows you to define new fields for post types. Unfortunately, I’m also not a fan of WordPress: I looked at WordPress in the 90’s (or thereabouts) and shook my head. It’s now 2017 and they still have wp-admin2. Enough said.

A new dawn on a header format

I won’t call this a markup language, because that infers ‘machine readable’. But for the sake of kitsch3, let’s call it ‘JSINF’. Here is the above Javascript object rendered in it:

title = This is my title
date = {new Date();}
uri = first-post.html

And here’s a quick overview on what a ‘home page’ could look like:

title = The Perfect Blog
Author = Craig
layout = homepage.html
Welcome to the Perfect Blog

carousel_images = '/images/pic1.jpg','/images/pic2.jpg'

Here you can find some pretty cool features about this place

These are the projects I'm currently working on:

* "Project 1":proj1.html
* "Project 2":proj2.html
* "Project 3":proj3.html

* "Link 1":link1.html
* "Link 2":link2.html
* "Link 3":link3.html

* "Project 1":proj1.html
* "Project 2":proj2.html
* "Project 3":proj3.html
* "Project 4":proj4.html
* "Project 5":proj5.html

This is a mini description that describes who I am and what I've done. See "About":about.html for more information

Isn’t this a whole lot easier to digest and understand? Note that the markup_sections=* is to explicitly mention what sections need marking up. Be default it will be everything, but sometimes you’d need something else. (Note also because of my unabashed bromance of Textile, that’s the markup I’ve used in this example).

JSINF format (v1)

See here for the JSINF v1 format

1 To be fair. I also bash Markdown just as much. It’s only place in the world should in GitHub README‘s or super-ultra-boring-to-read automated documentation suites. I’ve never understood why it became so popular, especially since many were using WikiText before then. To me, WikiText is much easier to read. Except Textile, of course. I’ve seen the light wrt Textile. I <3 Textile. Too bad GitHub has become evil and now hates Textile, because they’re on the ‘I love Jekyll’ boat, apparently. Whateva. This post was written in Textile and is posted on github pages. I win ;)

2 WordPress has finally begun to address the issue with a new project. I’m tired of waiting for others to solve my issues, so here I am writing ergo-cms.

3 Considered to be in poor taste but appreciated in an ironic or knowing way

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